For many years, people have been praying for a revival—an awakening. But looking around our world today, the ungodly seem to be gaining ground every day.
On March 5, 2021, Andrew Wommack heard the Lord speak to him clearly about a Third Great Awakening. God told him it had already begun!
In Great Awakening, you'll hear:
- Andrew give a detailed description of the encouraging Word he received from the Lord.
- Andrew explain how, contrary to what many believe, there is evidence of an awakening all around us.
- Andrew interview David and Timothy Barton of WallBuilders, who share their wealth of knowledge on American history.
- David and Timothy Barton discuss the history of revival and the First and Second Great Awakenings in America.
- David and Timothy Barton share on what to expect during an awakening.
Find out how you can be a part of this great move of God. Be sure to order Great Awakening. You don't want to miss this!
2 discs
TV recording: Yes
8 Gospel Truth television show episodes
Total runtime: 3 hr 48 min
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