Eternal Life

Eternal life is more than just forgiveness of sins and avoiding hell —it’s about fully embracing all the benefits God offers us. Think of it like Christmas: we don’t just choose a few gifts to open; we eagerly unwrap every single one! Discover how to claim every precious promise Jesus fulfilled at Calvary and step into a life of victory and abundance.

Key Features:

This teaching will help you:

  • Understand what the promise of eternal life truly means
  • Learn how to experience the blessings of eternal life every day
  • Pursue an intimate relationship with God
  • Experience the joy of close personal fellowship with the Lord


  • In this essential teaching from Andrew, you will discover how to live in the reality of eternal life 24/7. You will learn how to deepen your relationship with the Lord, hear His voice, and start living a life of victory.

Who Is It For?

  • This resource is for believers eager to embrace the full benefits of eternal life now. If you’ve ever felt like God has more for you, it’s time to take the limits off with this teaching!

Why Choose This Product?

  • If Andrew Wommack only had one chance to minister to a person, this teaching would be his top choice. The Christian walk isn’t just difficult; it’s impossible in our own strength. Find out why all of Andrew’s other teachings are built upon this one, and learn to prioritize your relationship with God above everything else.

5 TV show episodes
Total runtime: 2 hr 22 min

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